Consultant·e en coopération décentralisée (partenariat DAECT-PNUD-IPSA 9)

  • Date : À pourvoir à partir du 01 mars 2023 | Date limite de candidature : 29 janvier 2023Clôturée
  • Lieu : Home based, with regular travels to Geneva
  • Proposé par : DAECT ; PNUD
  • Type de contrat : cdd
  • Catégorie(s) : Emploi
  • Thématique(s) : AICT

La Délégation pour l’action extérieure des collectivités territoriales (DAECT) et le Programme des Nations Unies pour le développement (PNUD) à Genève recherchent un ou une consultante afin d’animer et développer leur partenariat. Celui-ci s'est intensifié depuis 2022 pour prendre une nouvelle dimension stratégique au service des pays partenaires de la coopération décentralisée française.

Détails de l'offre

The Decentralized Cooperation Consultant will coordinate the implementation of the new UNDP-DAECT partnership mechanism which the objective to facilitate synergies and engagement of French DC actors (i.e., local and regional governments and their networks) in the support of local development initiatives in partners' countries and territories through the UNDP Geneva Office and the network of UNDP Country offices.

S/he will promote development  effectiveness by facilitating the articulation, harmonization and alignment of French DC partners with existing multilateral approaches supporting partner's countries local authorities. S/he will also explore how to connect and extend the pilot UNDP-DAECT partnership to other actors (AFD, Expertise France, UN Development Cooperation offices, etc) in order to ensure a coherent support to local development in partner countries.

As part of UNDP's overall institutional partnership engagement with France, s/he will also support the contribution of French decentralized partners to other UNDP-led SDGs localization process and knowledge platforms, as well as contribute to the positioning and visibility of UNDP in development fora in France.

The Consultant will work under the supervision of the UNDP Geneva Partnership Manager who will provide guidance and feedback at all stages of the process in coordination with DAECT.

The expected activities and deliverables are :

1.  Partnerships – Develop the articulation of French decentralized cooperation with UNDP's work at country and local level, through the roll-out and implementation of the new cooperation mechanism with DAECT.

2.  Project management and implementation

3.  Communication and Outreach – Support active stakeholders' engagement and promote knowledge exchange tools and systematization of learnings and best practices for the localization of the SDGs, in partnership with UNDP and French decentralized cooperation actors.

Compétences / connaissances requises

Academic Education : 

  • Masters Degree  on International Relations, Social Sciences, Economics, Local Development, Development Studies is required.  Bachelors Degree with additional two years of experience will be accepted in lieu of Masters degree.

Work experience :

  • At least 2 years of relevant work experience, with at least one mandatory experience working with a French development cooperation actor.
  • Proven networks in the French decentralized cooperation community.
  • Proven experience in project management related to international development cooperation, ideally through DC approaches.
  • Proven experience in local development, local governance processes.
  • Experience in resource and partner mobilization, partnership and network building and strengthening.
  • Experience in the UN system at global or country-level would also be an asset.

Required skills and competencies :

  • Ability to plan and coordinate activities with limited supervision, take initiatives and deliver at pace independently.
  • Ability to engage and work with a diverse range of stakeholders, in the context of multidisciplinary and multicultural initiatives, with the objective to bring together partners in response to territories' demands.
  • Strong interpersonal skills, communication and diplomatic skills.
  • In-depth practical knowledge of inter-disciplinary development issues, including knowledge of the interlinkages between the social, economic, environmental and cultural dimensions of sustainable development and how they are applied at the local level.
  • Openness to change and ability to receive / integrate feedback.
  • Demonstrates integrity by modelling the UN’s values and ethical standards.
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability.

Desired additional skills and competencies :

  • Knowledge of UNDP's mandate, programme and operations.
  • Knowledge of the UNDP local governance methodology and approach would also be an asset .

Required languages :

  • Fluency in spoken and written French and English is a must.
  • Knowledge of another UN language would be an asset.


– CDD de 8 mois renouvelable

– Déplacements à prévoir à Genève et dans les pays de programme

Modalités de candidature

Consulter le détail de la mission et candidater en cliquant ici

Occitanie Coopération

Occitanie Coopération est une association loi 1901 reconnue d’intérêt général, dédiée à la promotion, l’accompagnement, et le développement de programmes ou d’actions de solidarité ou de coopération internationale. Elle déploie son action autour de cinq missions : observatoire régional, animation territoriale, appui aux porteurs de projets, éducation à la citoyenneté mondiale, appui et relais des politiques publiques concernées. Occitanie Coopération fait partie des douze réseaux régionaux multi-acteurs des coopérations et des solidarités internationales implantés en France.

Informations pratiques

Le Périscope – Parc technologique du Canal
7 rue Hermès

La Halle Tropisme – Bureau 39
121 rue Fontcouverte

Le Périscope – Parc technologique du Canal
7 rue Hermès

Tél : 05 32 26 26 73
Mail :

Ministère de l'Europe et des Affaires Étrangères
Agence Française de Développement
Région Occitanie
Fondation Pierre Fabre
Toulouse Métropole
Le Sicoval
Service Civique
Agence de l'Eau Adour-Garonne
Agence de l'Eau Rhône Méditerranée Corse